Know your racing terms - Pt.5.

As part of a continuing series, Stone Brothers Racing has produced the final list of racing terms for V8 Supercar fans and motorsport fans in general.

The terms were designed to educate new comers to the sport, while maybe settling a few disputes between long-time fans, according to SBR team co-owner Ross Stone.

"We hope the terms we have provided over the last couple of months have helped keep your interest during our off season," he said. "I am sure they have been some help to few and a big help to others.

As part of a continuing series, Stone Brothers Racing has produced the final list of racing terms for V8 Supercar fans and motorsport fans in general.

The terms were designed to educate new comers to the sport, while maybe settling a few disputes between long-time fans, according to SBR team co-owner Ross Stone.

"We hope the terms we have provided over the last couple of months have helped keep your interest during our off season," he said. "I am sure they have been some help to few and a big help to others.

"We are now looking forward to our first test in a few weeks time and then heading to the grand prix for our support events on 3-6 March 3-6.

"We would like to thank all our fans for their support and look forward to them cheering us on in 2005."

Racing terms:

A driver following closely behind another car may dart momentarily to the inside at the entry to a corner, pretending to attempt a pass in order to disrupt the concentration of the driver in front and hopefully cause a small mistake, setting up a subsequent passing attempt.

Data acquisition transmitted wirelessly while the car is on the track.

The Dunlop racing tyres used in V8 Supercar competition can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the tyre pressure. Tyre pressure is a measurement of compressed air inside the tyre expressed in pounds per square inch. Tyre pressure is adjusted to change handling, as the flexible tyres serve as an additional spring rate in the suspension. Increasing tyre pressure serves to stiffen the overall suspension, while lowering the pressure will soften the overall suspension. This is a fine-tuning adjustment commonly made during a race since the team doesn't have time to change the actual springs.

The tyres used in V8 Supercar racing are specialised Dunlop racing slicks manufactured to withstand the extreme demands of racing on road courses and street circuits. Special treaded rain tyres are used for wet weather competition.

This is banned in V8 Supercar racing. In other forms of the sport Traction control is managed by the ECU using specialised software and can be adjusted by the driver. In a very powerful race car, it's easy to spin the rear wheels on acceleration, even in upper gears at high speeds. Spinning the rear wheels reduces acceleration and can cause the tyres to overheat, and can also cause a car to oversteer and result in a loss of control. Traction control works by temporarily reducing engine power output when sensors on the wheels detect wheelspin.

Traction control is a very complex exercise in software programming and can be customised for particular tracks, invoking varying levels of traction control in different gears or at different points around a circuit.

Not having traction control in V8 Supercar racing requires the driver to have more skill to ensure a faster lap or more control in difficult conditions.

Small electronic transmitter mounted to the chassis. When the car passes mounted devices around the track, it sends a signal to the V8 Supercar timing computer for lap and lap-segment timing. Each car has a specific code so the computer can keep track of the individual cars.

A large prime mover-trailer rig used to move cars and equipment from one race location to another.

As a car reaches a corner, this is the moment at which a driver actually begins to turn the wheel. The timing of this action and the car's response to it are crucial for setting fast lap times.

A special place reserved for the winner of the race or the top-three finishers to park their cars and climb onto the Victory Podium, a three-level stand where the top three finishers receive their trophies and spray the champagne.

A facility built for the purpose of aerodynamic evaluations, a wind tunnel usually consists of a large tunnel with a powerful fan at one end and a spot downwind for whatever is being aerodynamically tested, whether a racing car, street car, airplane or other device. The fan blows a powerful stream of air across the stationary object being tested, which is connected to various sensors and computer systems to study engineering issues such as downforce and drag.

A small wind tunnel may often use scale models, while larger and more expensive wind tunnels may use full scale models or actual vehicles. Some of the best wind tunnels for automotive use will actually have a fast-moving floor that simulates the car moving across the ground. In V8 Supercars wind tunnels are used by the manufacturers and not individual teams.


This flag is waved by the starter to signal a driver that he or she must immediately report to the pits for consultation related to a dangerous mechanical condition or a driving infraction. Failure to heed the flag can result in exclusion from the final results of the event.

This black-and-white chequered flag is the most famous in racing, signifying the end of the session or race. At the end of a race, the first car to receive the checkered flag at the finish line is the winner.

The green flag is used by the starter to signal drivers that the race is under way, either at the start of the event or at the conclusion of a full-course yellow flag condition. Green flags are used by corner workers to let drivers know that they have passed beyond a yellow flag area and may resume passing.

When displayed at the start/finish line, a red flag signifies an immediate halt of the session due to a dangerous condition such as a flooded track or a car blocking the track. Corner workers around the track will also display red flags when this happens, and all cars are required to stop racing and slowly return to the pits.

The lap in progress is discarded, and the field reverts to the order of the previous lap when racing resumes. If the race has run more that 50 percent of the laps, the chief steward has the option to declare a complete race if track conditions are not expected to improve. If a race has run less than 50 percent, it will be concluded on another date.

When waved by the starter, this signifies the start of the last lap of the race. When waved by a corner worker, it signifies that a slow-moving vehicle is on the track.

If displayed by a corner worker, this means the subsequent section of the track has a problem that requires that drivers slow down and not make any passes. Usually this is because a car has crashed and is in a dangerous position. If the starter displays two yellow flags, it signifies a full-course caution, which prompts the safety car to enter the track and lead the cars around at reduced speed.

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